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Your essential guide to Apply for advisers: what it is and what it does.
Posted Wed 13 September 2017 - 09:57

UCAS expert, Sam, spends a lot of time talking to teachers and careers advisers about Apply for advisers. We asked Sam for her top tips on using our online application system.

So, what is it again?

Apply for advisers is an online system to help you manage your students’ university applications. So instead of having dozens of applications and references saved to your computer, it keeps them safely online.

How do I access it?

Firstly, you need to be a UCAS registered centre. Once you’ve registered, someone in your school or college needs to become the Apply coordinator., who will set you up and get you started. It sounds complicated – it really isn’t. Read our guide to setting up Apply for advisers for more information.

OK, I’m all set up. Now what?

Congratulations! Now you can see the status of your students’ UCAS applications. That means you’ll know who to chase up when deadlines are looming! Depending on your permissions, once a student has pressed submit, you’ll be able to add a reference, approve applications and references, and send completed forms to UCAS.

I want to check the application status of a student. Where do I look?

For information on a student’s progress, go to the application section. There’s a key on the left which tells you what all the symbols mean.

One of my students has disappeared. Help!

They’re probably in the default folder. If you’re using groups to manage multiple applications, any students not assigned to a group will end up there.

Can I search for a student and filter the search results?

Yes, you can filter students by name, group, or application status. Use the search box to find a particular student by name.

I can’t work out how to get between the different sections.

Use the links on the left side of the screen to navigate between sections. You can click on the help button to get information about the section you’re in.

A student has submitted their application but it needs more work. How do I return it to him?

In the action menu, (depending on the status of an application and your permissions) you can approve, return, or delete their application.

I’ve just sent off my student’s application. Can I check on its progress?

Yes, as long as your student has said they’re happy for you to view their application after it has been submitted. If they agree, you can use Adviser Track to follow their progress once you've sent the application to UCAS.

Want to find out more about what you can do in Apply for advisers? Join our UCAS experts at our next Apply training session.


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