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More than 100,000 UK applicants aged 20 and over have now been accepted into universities and colleges this year.
Posted Wed 15 October 2014 - 07:50

More than 100,000 UK applicants aged 20 and over have now been accepted into universities and colleges this year.

The 100,700 mature students represent an increase of 6% on last year. This is the highest number recorded at one week after A level results day.

Acceptances from those aged 20-24 are up 5% for the UK, with increases in all four UK countries.

There has been a 7% rise in acceptances from people aged 25 and over, meaning that 37,300 now have a place in higher education.

Overall UCAS has now placed 459,550 people of all ages in higher education - including 62,560 in the week since A level results were released a week ago, 33,970 through Clearing in this period.

Mary Curnock Cook, UCAS’ Chief Executive said: “This is a welcome reminder that higher education is not just for 18 year olds after leaving school.  For many, the right time to get the most out of going to university is later in life.”




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UCAS Press Office: 01242 545 469 




A suite of detailed analysis reports has been published on the UCAS website: 

UCAS, the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service, is a charity and the UK's shared admissions service for higher education. We manage applications from over 650,000 people each year for full-time undergraduate courses at over 350 institutions across the UK.

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