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Taster courses are provided by some universities and colleges to let you experience academic and social life on campus, before applying for a place.

How long do taster courses last?

Taster courses vary in length: some are one-day courses only, whereas others are held over a weekend, or sometimes over a whole week. There are also a number of summer courses available. You'll often have the opportunity to stay overnight on campus, and to meet lecturers and undergraduate students – while finding out what the course really involves.

What should I expect if I go on a taster course?

Most taster courses include lectures, discussions, and tutorial sessions. These give you the chance to meet departmental staff and get hands-on experience of the facilities. This can provide you with important insight into how the university or college works.

Taster courses also allow you to find out about the other side of student life, such as the sports, music, drama and cultural activities, and meet other people who share your interests.

What are the benefits of attending a taster course?

  • You are more likely to choose a course and university to suit your interests and abilities.
  • You can highlight your attendance in your personal statement on your UCAS application.
  • Or you may decide the course or campus is not the one for you, and decide not to apply there.

Search for taster courses here

Here you'll find taster courses at universities and colleges in the UK. Some open days may also appear in this listing.

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